If you would want to bypass the preliminary stuff you may go down the page about 1/3 of the way down to the actual Formal Complaint to the OCDC of the Mo. BAR.
This is another Chapter in the American Nazi Lawyer/Judge Mafia “Secret Combinations” Secret Society Shadow Governments (as predicted by the Ancient American Indian Scriptures).
American Lawyers’ Code Of Ethics
Before and during the Watergate Scandal there was a very lose and not well written lawyer’s code of ethics that were not followed or enforced like what happens today, with the one very visible exception that could be easily proven back then and that was don’t advertise! All of the State BARs, no exceptions, felt that advertising was immoral and unethical and if the BAR allowed even one lawyer to advertise then they would have to let everyone advertise and where would that lead Society? Society has come a long way with a bad experiment now, to let lawyers advertise, and look at what Society has gotten for it now? Hordes of lawyers coming into America’s living rooms by TV with promises of everything for nothing which makes lots of work for the lawyers, harms most everyone else with never ending frivolous law suits, which do nothing much for good, and overwhelm our court systems. Obviously all of the BARs had this right the first time, lawyers advertising is just bad medicine for America.
“In 1972, legal ethics boiled down to: Don’t lie, don’t cheat, don’t steal and don’t advertise…” and that was basically it!
“Before Watergate, lawyer ethics were governed largely by a vaguely worded set of platitudes that hadn’t changed much in 80-plus years. Ethics, if taught at all, was an elective class in law school. Lawyers were under no professional obligation to brush up on the subject,” ABA Journal interview.
During the Watergate Scandal there was so much evidence of lawyers’ misconducts, among several dozen lawyers, who all had some participation in the Watergate Scandal, that the public outcry was for Congress to pass laws that would govern lawyer conduct in America. Congress set out to start making such a set of laws and the American Bar Association came forward and approached Congress with the PROMISE that if Congress did not pass laws to govern lawyers and judges then the ABA would see to it that there would be a uniform code of ethics that would be more than adequate to govern American lawyers and judges.
It wasn’t until 1983, when the Model Rules of Professional Conduct were ready for the individual State BARs to adopt. Missouri’s version is called the Missouri Rules of Professional Conduct, and came several years after Nazi Nancy and Nazi Carl Yendes (perhaps Paul Sherman too) graduated from their Law Schools so obviously they fell through the cracks pertaining to the basic lawyer ethics and since neither seems to feel it necessary to learn about Jesus Christ in any meaningful way they are totally subject to the Dark Spirit of Satan and now are their own junior dark spirits mirroring Satan as their own “strange god” that they faithfully “serve,” (Jerimiah 24:20).
Remember that the ABA PROMISED Congress that the ABA would take care of everything so that Congress would NOT have to make any Federal Laws governing lawyers and judges? Apparently what happened is, exactly what a prudent person would expect when known liar Congresspersons make a PROMISE with known liar lawyers, everything PROMISED was just a big fat lie!
The Missouri Rules of Professional Conduct were well written, and could be enforceable, if the Missouri BAR OCDC would actually enforce them as written. The only time that the Missouri Rules of Professional Conduct are ever enforced is when the BAR doesn’t like a lawyer or judge, and especially if a lawyer or judge tries to complain about non-enforcement of a lawyer or judge that is in clear and open violation, then those Rules are turned against the unliked lawyer and then they are Drummed Out Of The Club. This is how the American Nazi Lawyer/Judge Mafia stays in control and how “the people” lose control over their own, as “the people”, court systems, that their tax dollars pay for.
Look this up for yourself:
PROBING QUESTION: If most of the Missouri lawyers and judges indirectly, the Mo. BAR including the O.C.D.C. directly, and the Mo Supreme Court as direct supervisors of the BAR, don’t/can’t honor, sustain, and enforce the lawyer codes of ethics which is named the Missouri Rules of Professional Conduct; then how in the world can they honor, sustain, and enforce the laws of the land? ANSWER; They can’t, don’t, and won’t! This is the basis for the Missouri Court Systems law and order breakdowns.
So as anyone can see, most of the Missouri “licensed” lawyers and judges of the Missouri BAR, the Missouri BAR including the O.C.D.C., along with the Missouri Supreme Court, doesn’t think that the Missouri Rules of Professional Conduct are worth the paper they are printed on. Likewise all of these lawyers and judges collectively would not think that the laws of the land are worth the paper they are written on unless the lawyers and judges can use something in the law to their personal advantage. Any wonder why/how the Dale Kelley Will and Trust was not worth the paper it was written on, except those items, often taken out of context, that the lawyers and judges could use to their advantage, at least in their weak and puerile minds.
Fighting Against Jesus!!!
One of the main problems in American governments today is we neither have an Ounce of Prevention OR a Pound of Cure when it comes to wide spread and open government corruptions. After siting dozens of notorious and publicly exposed police department corruptions across America the author states:
“Incidents like these are only a sampling of the extent of police corruptions across the country. But large or small, they have one thing in common. The ordinary police officer, however honest, looked the other way, or got out [of the department], or once in a great while anonymously reported a specific payoff. In none of them was there a cop willing to blow the whistle on his own [the Blue Code of Silence], and then step forward, as would be expected in any other criminal proceeding, and testify openly in court. In none of them was there a Frank Serpico.” Page 140, SERPICO, by Peter Maas, 23rd printing August 1976, copyright 1973.
What the visitor will witness in these seven OCDC BAR Cover-up pages is nothing less than what had gone on in the police departments that so outraged the Public, the People, Society, to the extent that a book like Serpice had 23 printings in four years. My copy is a 23rd printing and I am unable to find how many printings there are after that.
I suppose that I, Jim Kelley, would be comparable to Frank Serpico when it comes to my willingness to stand up against the American Nazi Lawyer/Judge Mafia of today. It would seem no one else has the guts to really join me with the one public servant exception of the Honorable Josh Hawley, former Missouri A.G. and current U.S. Senator, and a hand full of people who gave their names on gofundme.
The state BARs should be the Ounce of Prevention for lawyer and judge corruptions. And if the BAR doesn’t do their job then it falls on the Missouri Supreme Court to meter out the Pound of Cure because they have the direct responsibility to personally supervise the BAR activities. So in any case IF the BAR was to do its job and meter out an Ounce of Prevention then the Supreme Court would not have to meter out its Pound of Cure. As is often the case, when those who are initially responsible for the ounce of anything does not do their jobs, then it falls upon the supervisors to meter out their pound of solutions to make up for the failure of the first ounce to be successfully. So in this case the Mo. Supreme Court might have to expend 16 times the efforts to right the wrongs that the BAR’s ounce should have done. Mo. Supreme Court; blame the BAR, not me, or blame yourselves for not properly supervising the BAR. The “buck stops” at the Mo. Supreme Court when it comes to anything pertaining to anything with Mo. lawyers and judges! And if the BAR and the Mo. Supreme Court does nothing, like they have been doing nothing, then the American Nazi Lawyer/Judge Mafia will keep taking over America and eventually America will become radical Muslim and the U.S. Army will be fighting against Israel and Jesus Christ (Zechariah 14:1-3). It is not a good position to be in for anyone to fight against Jesus Christ.
“Omertà and Cosa Nostra are a Southern Italian code of silence and code of honor that places importance on silence in the face of questioning by authorities or outsiders; non-cooperation with authorities, the government, or outsiders; and willfully ignoring and generally avoiding interference with the illegal activities of others. Retaliation against informers is common in criminal circles.
“An individual who has been wronged is obligated to look out for his own interests by finding a patron [in the case of the American Nazi Lawyer/Judge Mafia another lawyer] but not the state to do the job.
“Omertà implies “the categorical prohibition of cooperation with state authorities or reliance on its services, even when one has been a victim of a crime.” A person should absolutely avoid interfering in the business of others and should not inform the authorities of a crime under any circumstances.
“Omertà is an extreme form of loyalty and solidarity in the face of authority. One of its absolute tenets is that it is deeply demeaning and shameful to betray even one’s deadliest enemy to the authorities.
“Omertà is a code of silence, referred to by its own members as Cosa Nostra (“our thing”), is an organized crime syndicate in Sicily, Italy.”
Many people have observed that when the guilty have friends in high places and there is a trial of some kind (in or out of the court room), then Justice is not tempered with mercy but is corrupted with that most dangerous of all elements, misguided loyalty.
This ***OCDC Paul Page is intended to illustrate to the Politician, and the citizen who may contact their Politician, that even when comprehensive, well documented, truthful, complaints against an Unethical, Shyster, Lawyer are properly made to the Mo. BAR, OCDC, the Missouri BAR Swamp is so deep, so full of alligators, a Missouri Licensed Lawyer openly and notoriously violating the Missouri Rules Of Professional Conduct (Code of Ethics for Mo. lawyers) doesn’t matter to the Mo. BAR, OCDC, and apparently the Missouri Supreme Court that personally supervises the actions and performances of the Mo. BAR and OCDC.
How low (low ethically) and how high (Supreme Court is as high as it gets in the Legal System) does the Swamp’s unethical conduct and behavior have to get, has to be, for this type of Criminally Insane, Double-Crossing, No Class, No Dignity, Ungrateful, Perpetual Complainer, Pathological Liar, Kleptomaniac, Narcissist, Control Freak, Selfish, Malicious, Nefarious Predator, Blood Sucker, Bottom Feeder, Cold Blooded, Parasite, Unethical Shyster Lawyers, Mental Nut-Jobs, associated with “a den of thieves” Law Firm (The English language is incapable of adequately describing these low lifes but God will have the words, in God’s language, to adequately describe them, and every soul will know just what low lifes they were.) are allowed, permitted, to prevail over, and against, the Truth and Justice?
This is the Formal Complaint to the OCDC of the Mo. BAR.
January 9, 2019
Subject: Inquiries to determine if Paul Sherman’s conduct as a licensed lawyer, paid as the Trust Attorney, Law Firm Partner, a Duel Agent to defend both sides in opposition, rises to the level of serious professional misconduct according to the Missouri Rules of Professional Conduct.
Reference: Dale E. Kelley Will and Trust, Green County Probate Court Case No. 1731-PRO1048
Lawyer: Paul Sherman, BAR # unknown, Law Partner of a Springfield, Mo. Law Firm, website page attached.
To: the Honorable Mo. BAR, O.C.D.C. and the Honorable Missouri Supreme Court,
Most respectful greetings,
ITEM ONE: I do hereby incorporate the Nancy Yendes Inquiries, into this Inquiry, by reference, as though set out verbatim herein; because as the paid Trust Attorney, Paul Sherman was at the center of the Unconditional Surrender Will and Trust which is the center exhibit of the Nancy Yendes Inquiry.
ITEM TWO: Paul Sherman was the author, the creator, of the Unconditional Surrender Will and Trust, and as such is 100% responsible for its content and the Elder Abuses enabled by its content. Bottom line is Paul Sherman should have known better than to not only allow his name to be attached to this Unconditional Surrender Will and Trust, but he should have known better than to be the writer, author, creator, and the presenter of this Unconditional Surrender document!!! Paul Sherman is absolutely without excuse for its content and the predictable consequences of abuse that the content has led to.
ITEM THREE: Paul Sherman was the gate keeper of the “den of thieves” Law Firm which made it possible for the Grantor to be “led as a sheep to the slaughter” (Acts 8:32) by the hand of Trustee Nancy Yendes where the Grantor was scalped of his good money for a no good Will and Trust which robbed the Grantor of his unalienable Rights before the Grantor left Paul Sherman’s “den of thieves” Law Firm!!! (Matt. 21:13)
The Bible example of “a den of thieves” is a lower grade of crimes than this latter-day Law Firm example. In the Bible example the Jewish Temple patrons were only robbed of their money for excessive charges to exchange good money and buy good sacrifice animals. In the Law Firm example my Dad was scalped of his good money for a no good Will and Trust similar to the Temple but was also robbed of his unalienable Rights through that no good Will and Trust, which thefts like this did not happen in the Jewish Temple. So the Law Firm would be an elevated, higher grade, higher offense “den of thieves” than the Jewish Temple example that Jesus Christ Himself illustrated in the Bible. Also, in the Temple example the merchandise was good, and in the Law Firm example the merchandise was bad.
ITEM FOUR: In the 4 hour Deposition of March 16, 2018, near the end, Paul Sherman gave a threshold confession that he attended the funeral of my Dad. This is HUGE for the following reasons: A. Paul Sherman was an eye witness at the funeral that his paying Client did NOT have a casket as instructed in the Will. B. As an eye witness Paul Sherman did nothing with his fiduciary duty to his paying client pertaining to protecting his client, the Grantor, my Dad, when Paul Sherman was an eye witness that his paying client was violated against his client’s will and Will instructions. C. Obviously Paul Sherman was not at my Dad’s funeral because he was a buddy of my Dad, BUT Paul Sherman was there as a BUDDY of Nancy and Carl Yendes proving that he had a very tight personal relationship with Nancy and Carl Yendes. D. Obviously Paul Sherman’s very tight, extra special, personal relationship with Nancy and Carl Yendes gives additional evidence their relationship prior to the signing of the Unconditional Surrender Will and Trust was at a level that they could trust each other with the unethical process that this “a den of thieves” Law Firm delivered with confidence among all the lawyers involved that everyone would be protected from exposure and reporting to authorities like the O.C.D.C. E. Considering all of the evidence, considering the close relationship Paul Sherman had with Nancy and Carl Yendes, everything involved leads to the logical conclusion that Paul Sherman intended from the very beginning to represent the interests of Nancy and Carl Yendes above and beyond the interests of his paying client, the Grantor, that decision made before the crafting of the Unconditional Surrender Will and Trust because several Provisions in that Unconditional Surrender absolutely, without any doubt, reflects the best interests of Nancy Yendes and VIOLATES the best interests of the Grantor. The Unconditional Surrender Will and Trust is proof positive which side Paul Sherman was on and the fact that Paul Sherman was at the Grantor’s funeral is proof positive how close of a buddy relationship Paul Sherman had, still has, with Nancy and Carl Yendes. Obviously if Paul Sherman would have been at my Dad’s funeral as a buddy to my Dad the first thing Paul Sherman would have done after seeing that my Dad did not get his casket would be to write a letter of petition to remove Nancy Yendes as Trustee for her willfully being an “opponent” to the Grantor, for violating the Grantor, violating the Grantor’s will, and violating the Will instructions as the Trustee, and that did NOT happen as proof positive Paul Sherman was buddies with Nancy and Carl first and to hell with the Grantor! Obviously Paul Sherman’s Original Intent to represent Nancy Yendes’ interests, over the interests of the Law Firm’s paying client, the Grantor, my Dad, obviously started before the Will and Trust was even written. My Dad was repeatedly violated (as if stabbed in the back, “Et tu, Brute?”) by an enemy from within, his own paid lawyer, from the beginning to the end, even after death.
Obviously with all of the evidence, circumstances, proof, it is pretty obvious Paul Sherman made it possible for Nancy and Carl Yendes to Elder Abuse their own father using the facilities of his “den of thieves” Law Firm and Paul Sherman decided from the very beginning, even before the crafting and writing of the Unconditional Surrender Will and Trust, that he was going to represent Nancy Yendes’ control freak narcissist interests first and to hell with his paying client, my Dad, Dale Kelley!!!
ITEM FIVE: Clearly Paul Sherman gave Nancy Yendes a lot of value for bringing my Dad into his Law Firm, so his Law Firm would receive money to write the Will and Trust which is a clear and notorious violation of the M.R.O.P.C. Much was stolen from my Dad and then given to Nancy Yendes in that notorious Unconditional Surrender Will and Trust, Family Curse.
One item of great value was the “only with the written consent of the Trustee” Provision (Trust, page 2). This was of great value stolen from the Grantor and of great value given to the control freak narcissist Trustee Nancy which would only be of any value to a narcissist. Other items of great value stolen from the Grantor, and given to Trustee Nancy, was his own control of his own money and his own choices as to how and where he would live out his own life. Again, Nancy Yendes got those Rights that were obviously stolen from the Grantor, Rights that would only be of any value to a control freak narcissist Trustee, giving some proof that the Trustee Nancy Yendes is a legitimate narcissist. Any normal person, with any moral compass whatsoever, would have demanded that this kind of abusive language be taken out of a Will and Trust before their name was attached, for obvious ethical reasons, to even avoid the appearance of evil, unethical behavior and unethical intent.
The fact that Nancy Yendes accepted these great value control freak narcissist Provisions, is proof that Nancy is a narcissist, and Paul Sherman is of the morally challenged character that he is willing to feed a control freak narcissist beast who was poised to harm his own paying client, my Dad, Dale Kelley.
Another item of great value, taken away from the Beneficiary Jim Kelley, for the benefit of the control freak narcissist Trustee Nancy, was the RUDE and OFFENSIVE Provision that Jim Kelley, or his spouse, could “not act on my [Dad’s] behalf in any capacity whatsoever.” (Trust, page 3). This had nothing to do with the succession of Trustees and everything to do with Jim Kelley’s ability to rescue his own Dad should the occasion to do so arise. This was a valuable protection for Nancy Yendes, that Paul Sherman gave to Nancy, for Nancy recommending Paul Sherman to my Dad to write the Will and Trust. As has been demonstrated in the Nancy Yendes Inquiry, if Paul Sherman intended to not have myself, or my wife, listed as a Successor Trustee during the writing of the Trust, all that was needed was to just NOT mention Jim Kelley, or his spouse, in the line of succession. This is such an abuse of Power that was only intended to unnecessarily embarrass and hurt myself, and my wife, giving absolute proof that the battle lines were drawn against me, well before the signing of the Will and Trust, by Nancy, Carl, Maureen (Trustee and not a lawyer), and Paul Sherman, or there would be no need for this kind of restrictive, rude, and offensive language to be included in a family Will and Trust from the start!
So war was declared on myself, and my wife, by the Trustees, and the “den of thieves” Law Firm, and I was the last to know because I didn’t get a copy of their Declaration of War contained in the Unconditional Surrender Will and Trust until two (2) years after my Dad’s death. This was a “sneak attack” just as infamous as the sneak attack on Pearl Harbor on that “Day of Infamy.”
ITEM FIVE: The fact that Paul Sherman ended up vigorously defending Nancy Yendes in Court, with all of her unethical actions as a Trustee against the Grantor, the Grantor’s obvious Original Intent will and Will and Trust instructions, is also proof positive that Paul Sherman picked Nancy’s side over his paying Client’s side early on which he had a First Fiduciary Duty and Obligation to defend the Grantor’s interests first and foremost because the Grantor is the first one to pay Paul Sherman money for his services, which Grantor’s money Paul Sherman gladly accepted first for the benefit of the Law Firm.
Ethically Paul Sherman should have recused himself in defending Nancy Yendes, because defending Nancy Yendes’ actions against the Grantor’s instructions in the Will and Trust that Paul Sherman personally wrote, was a clear and present conflict of interest because Paul Sherman’s First Interest was supposed to be his paying client Grantor, Dale Kelley, dead or alive, it would make no difference when it comes to accepting money, because the Trust money Sherman accepted after the Grantor’s death was the Grantor’s own money the same as if the Grantor was still alive and personally wrote the checks.
ITEM SIX: Actually by Paul Sherman not doing the ethical thing and recusing himself as a lawyer to defend the Trustee Nancy’s actions against the Will and Trust language was in reality setting himself up as a lawyer who willingly set up and personally participated in a double, two ended, entrapment fraud for the following reasons:
The front end of this entrapment fraud was to personally write a Will and Trust for a paying client and convince that client that the Will and Trust the client was buying was worth the money the Grantor was paying. It does not make any difference if Sherman specifically promised the Grantor that the Will and Trust would guarantee each and every provision the Will and Trust contained, or not; because unless the Trust Attorney, Sherman in this case, specifically identified the provisions that would not be guaranteed, any reasonable person would assume by implied warranty that everything in their Will and Trust was guaranteed or why would anyone pay for, or sign, a worthless Will and Trust?
A very important HOOK for this front end portion of entrapment was the bury me “in my casket” Provision because the lawyers knew the Grantor would be looking for that Provision with his magnifying glass and if it were not there to his satisfaction the Grantor definitely would not sign and walked. So as can be plainly observed the bury me “in my casket” Provision was the entrapment HOOK to get the Grantor to sign his Unconditional Surrender Will and Trust, setting up circumstances where the Grantor virtually signed his own life away ignorantly, because it was easy to trick a 94 year old man, virtually blind, partially deaf, into signing anything, if those involved were dishonest enough to trick him, and if the dishonest ones were able to keep the honest people who were known for standing up for the old man, out of the picture, away from what is happening, like they did ME!!!
It can be pretty easy to demonstrate the bury me “in my casket” Provision was only included in the Will as an entrapment HOOK because during the second part of the Double, Two Ended, Entrapment Fraud, the Trust Attorney, Paul Sherman, did everything in his Power, in his ability, to make that entrapment HOOK null and void as the back end of this Double, Two Ended, Entrapment Fraud. And Sherman got paid for his unethical efforts at both ends, like an unethical Duel Agent, which is an incredible fraud in, and of, itself!
As we can plainly see, as the front end of this Double, Two Ended, Entrapment Fraud, Sherman stabbed the Grantor, his own paying client, in the back (figuratively speaking Paul), by tricking the client into signing the Unconditional Surrender Will and Trust based on the promise that Sherman provided superficial proof, that the paying client would be satisfied with by his personal observation, that the paying client would be buried in his casket, which ended up being a big fat bold face lie. Now may I demonstrate the back end?
This back end of the Double, Two Ended, Entrapment Fraud seems to be in two halves and really gets deep and involved. The first half of the back end portion of the Double, Two Ended, Entrapment Fraud would be Sherman made no moves to stop Nancy’s Screw You Father, Revenge Cremation Insult, in total conflict with his Fiduciary Duty and Obligation to protect his paying client’s interests, above his own desires and interests, which would obviously include protecting his good buddy Trustee Nancy Yendes.
The second half, of the back end portion of the Double, Two Ended, Entrapment Fraud, would involve me for the following reasons:
Reason #1. For some reason Nancy came to me for my signature on the Authorization For Cremation certificate. I have assumed this was because the Funeral Home did not honor Nancy’s Right of Sepulcher, and actually her coming to me for my signature is all the evidence I have that the Funeral Home refused to honor Right of Sepulcher. What if my signature was asked for, for another reason, to throw me off, and entrap me? At one point in 2017, Nancy stated she asked me for my signature because she wanted me to be included. Was that a slip of the lip with more sinister intentions hiding behind? It is possible the Funeral Home did honor Nancy’s Right of Sepulcher, and if that is the case, then Nancy coming to me, and lying to me that cremation is what my Dad wanted, could be some kind of entrapment bait to make me think logically that the funeral Home did NOT honor Right of Sepulcher, or for some other planned evil reasons. I do not know.
It is no secret that Nancy would run to Sherman to get advice about the Trust business. Is it possible that at the time of my Dad’s death Sherman gave Nancy council to get my signature on an Authorization For Cremation certificate, even if my signature was not needed, to use against me in the future if needed? For sure asking for my signature, using the lie that this was what my Dad wanted, when my signature was not needed, would for sure serve to confuse me and help entrap me into a position to insist the NO CONTEST CLAUSE should be enforced.
Reason #2. As demonstrated in the Nancy Yendes Inquiry, Nancy Yendes prematurely (because all Objections had not been resolved) authorized a Trust distribution check knowing that I would sign it because I had no reason to know, no knowledge, no warnings from Nancy or anyone else, that if I signed that check I was signing away all of my Rights to object to the cremation or that the NO CONTEST CLAUSE had not been enforced. Did Sherman council and advise Trustee Nancy to do that knowing that would help fulfill the back end portion of the Entrapment Fraud process planned for me.
Reason #3. After Trustee Nancy knew that I had signed the premature Trust distribution check, Trustee Nancy sent another Trust distributions letter with an invitation for any Objections. Did Sherman council and advise Trustee Nancy to do that already knowing that I had already signed a Trust Distributions check?
Reason #4. I then sent in my Worn Out Objections, nothing new, and because nothing had been explained or resolved by Trustee Nancy, or anyone else, and then after a four month wait, I sent a note that I had not heard anything from anyone about the Trust for a while.
Reason #5. On November 25, 2017, I was served that Nancy was suing me. Did Sherman council and advise Nancy to do that?
It is speculation how much was said in private between Trustee Nancy and Sherman but there are several things that can be known for certain: A. Nancy and Sherman did have meetings about the Trust business several times in 2017, and that could be verified by lawyer’s logs, billing records from the Law Firm to the Trust, and with Trust checks to pay for those bills. B. No matter what can be proven as being planned in private pertaining to Reasons 1-5 above, what is public record is Sherman was 100% behind Nancy, vigorously defended Nancy in Court, pertaining to all five Reasons listed above, making Sherman 100% behind any back end Double, Two Ended, Entrapment Fraud, that began with a front end promise to bury my Dad in the Will and then a back end vigorous defense to not follow through with that same Entrapment Hook promise, all done and documented right in front of me, knowing I would stand up for my Dad. So these lawyers took advantage of me for my love and devotion for my own Dad.
So it really it doesn’t matter if Sherman was involved in private, or only involved in a public record Court Hearing, the fact of the matter is; Sherman supported the Cremation Insult, supported my signature being on the Authorization for Cremation certificate, supported Nancy not adequately explaining the Screw You Father, Revenge Cremation Insult, supported the premature Trust distribution check being authorized, supported Nancy’s invitation for Objections after they both knew I had signed the Trust distribution check, and then when they both knew the back end portion of the Double, Two Ended, Entrapment Fraud was complete, Sherman supported the law suit. The way we know Sherman supported all of this is Sherman vigorously defended Trustee Nancy in all of this in the Court Hearing.
Potentially Sherman could have been called as a witness, as the Trust Attorney that Trustee Nancy continually consulted with for Trust business, and as a direct result had as much skin in the game as Nancy, and for these reasons should have recused himself of representing Trustee Nancy Yendes in what could be their mutual crimes of a Double, Two Ended, Entrapment Fraud, that on the front end entrapped Sherman’s paying client, the Grantor, my Dad, Dale Kelley, and on the back end this Entrapment Fraud was targeted against the #1 Son of the Grantor because that Son stood up for his Dad, and stood up for the instructions in his Dad’s Will and Trust that his Dad was to be buried in his casket or the “opponents” would suffer the NO CONTEST CLAUSE.
In a nutshell, what Sherman did in this Double, Two Ended, Entrapment Fraud, was on the front end convince my Dad his Will and Trust was worth every penny my Dad paid with Sherman’s promise that he would be buried in his casket but; on the back end Sherman argued in Court that the Will and Trust was not enforceable, not worth anything, for the purposes of my Dad being buried in his casket, and the cremation was legal and proper. This is as plain of a textbook case and example of a lawyer contradicting himself with an obvious conflict of interest, and getting paid on both ends as an unethical Duel Agent, as there ever could be.
Was it even possible for this Double, Two Ended, Entrapment Fraud to have even been achieved without: (a) Sherman being a Partner of a “den of thieves” Law Firm and basically supervising himself. (b) Sherman on the front end acting as the Grantor’s agent, paid for lawyer for the Grantor. (c) Sherman’s 1st allegiance and loyalty was with Nancy and Carl Yendes all along making Sherman a confederate and “opponent” to the Grantor which violated Sherman’s Fiduciary Duties to the Grantor from the very start. (d) Sherman then accepted being a paid agent lawyer for the “opponent” Trustee Nancy in Trustee Nancy’s “opponent” activities against the Grantor, the Grantor’s will, and the Grantor’s Will and Trust, making Sherman a virtual unethical Dual Agent Lawyer, receiving money from both sides at the same time (Trust money Sherman received was from my Dad and that was right up to and including the last Probate Court Hearing) because Sherman received money from Beneficiary Nancy’s and Beneficiary Maureen’s inheritance that when that money transferred out of the Trust to them then it became their money, not the Trust money, perfecting the virtual dual role representation that Sherman personally, and voluntarily, accepted as an unethical Dual Agent Lawyer, representing the Grantor and the Grantor’s opposition advisories as “opponent” Trustees, all at the same time, in a no win conflict that both sides could not win because they were advisories, making a Dual Agent Lawyer unethical any way that can be explained. For sure Sherman should have recused himself so he would not end up becoming an unethical Dual Agent Lawyer, and in addition to that Sherman had as much skin in the game as Trustee Nancy, Carl or Maureen did too, adding to the reasons Sherman should have recused himself.
Some things for sure about Dual Agency is it never works when the two parties that the one agent represents are both in opposition and adversarial to each other. And it is never ethical when the Dual Agent on the one hand explains something as one way, and then on the other hand explains the same something as the other way, the Dual Agent totally contradicting himself. On the one hand Sherman explained to my Dad that his Will gave him a casket burial or my Dad would not have signed, and then on the other hand Sherman in Court explained how my Dad’s Will did not give my Dad a casket burial. How much more unethical can anyone be than this? How can lawyers like this sleep at night unless their consciences are so seared they no longer know right from wrong and as such can sleep at night.
The Law? Liberty And Justice For All?
I am certain that these unethical lawyers think that they are all covered/protected by some twisted and queer (Questionable character, odd, suspicious, mysterious, counterfeit. 1946 dictionary.) Probate Laws. Perhaps, what the Probate Law and the Probate Court was not able to hold these lawyers accountable to for their reprehensible crimes against others, the Missouri BAR, O.C.D.C., can through the Missouri Rules Of Professional Conduct ethics standards?
There was no excuse for these Trustees not to bury an honest WW II, D-Day, captured behind enemy lines, POW for 10 months, veteran; he didn’t deserve the Screw You Father, Revenge Cremation Insult. Their flimsy excuse that the Cemetery was prone to flooding (Mom was terrified of water) not only does not hold water, because that Cemetery has never flooded since it opened in January of 2000, but would be laughable if it were not so tragic. Perhaps a person being claustrophobic would be an acceptable excuse to cremate them because it would kill the claustrophobic person to be in a casket when the lid was closed, even though they would already be dead. But perhaps a person is afraid of fire so cremation might kill them if their dead body was subjected to cremation, so what can the living do to protect the dead from these pretended phobias made up by the unethical living to justify their poor choices to violate the specific instructions of the dead, while the dead were still alive and able to plainly express their desires?
It seems obvious with this Unconditional Surrender, will and Trust, Family Curse Case, that the living have a chore trying to protect themselves from the Selfish, Malicious, Predator, Blood Sucker, Bottom Feeder, Shyster Lawyers, of today, pertaining to Wills and Trusts and the twisted and queer Probate Laws so the dead are at a terrible disadvantage. I see the Grantor and Beneficiary, Will and Trust, Bill of Rights, that I am proposing, as the best solution to protect the innocent dead and the innocent living.
There was no excuse for the Double, Two Ender, Entrapment Fraud that all of these lawyers gladly participated in at the great jeopardy of the “den of thieves” Law Firm’s own paying client, the Grantor, my Dad, and myself entrapped in their high stakes jeopardy scheme for me and two years of my life ruined and my Inheritance stolen from me for the benefits of the rich lawyers’ profit$.
It was obviously a very poor decision for these lawyers to have cremated the Grantor against his written instructions and it is just as obvious it was a very poor decision for all of these lawyers to not honor my Throw In The Towel Letter which gave them everything the Trustee Nancy claimed she needed to wind up and close out the Trust without the need of the expensive Depositions and Court Hearings which somehow those costs were assessed against the one and only innocent person who was also the one and only faithful Beneficiary to the Grantor.
“I pledge allegiance to the Flag, of the United States of America, and to the Republic, for which it stands, one Nation, under God, indivisible, with Liberty and Justice for all.” May I point out my Dad and I were both faithful to our Pledge of Allegiance so what happened to the Republic’s promise for Liberty and Justice when it came to this Probate Case? My Dad and I both lost, and the unethical lawyers gained huge sums of money contrary to any Liberty and Justice for all; not much different than in a divorce case, the ones who really make out financially are the lawyers.
Our Society is evolving and changing into something a whole lot more unethical than in the past. A part of this transformation from ethical to unethical is the changing of the meanings of words to fit the newly more acceptable unethical new Society. In the past the word “trust” had a different meaning than what seems to represent the meaning of the word “trust” in this Unconditional Surrender, Will and Trust, Family Curse Case today. “Trust” used to mean trustworthy and obedient to the person you committed your loyalty to like a Trustee to a Grantor in a Trust Agreement.
How many of the following words will have to have their definitions changed to fit the future unethical Society that is being created right now, with the help of lawyers, before our eyes? “A [Boy] Scout is Trustworthy, Loyal, Helpful, Friendly, Courteous, Kind, Obedient, Cheerful, Thrifty, Brave, Clean, and Reverent.” And what will become of the Boy Scouts, an institution that has for decades helped to raise good, solid, men for the good of Society, the good for America, and the good for world?
Words have specific meanings and when those meanings become fluid and changeable then we as a Society have lost the best tool we have to convey specific meanings and thoughts. Is there any doubt in any prudent person’s mind that my Dad’s original intent and meaning was that he was to be buried in a casket and if my Dad was not to be buried in a casket then those responsible for not being obedient and trustworthy would lose their inheritance and/or their “interest” that the Trust gave them?
By the same logical thought process is there any doubt in any prudent person’s mind that when I gave my Throw In The Towel Letter that should have been the end of the fight, no more lawyer punches, no more lawyer tricks, no more lawyer entrapments, especially hitting below the belt?
These lawyers have demonstrated multiple ethics violations, infamously, and notoriously, out in the open, that much can be documented with their fingerprints all over the evidence and in many cases their signatures attached, like the infamous and notorious Unconditional Surrender, Will and Trust, Family Curse, their names and signatures are all over that and notarized too.
Could there be anything more reprehensible as this, a Double, Two Ended, Entrapment Fraud, to ruin the lives of two innocent persons who were a Dad and Son team, without cold blooded murder being involved also? Actually what Paul Sherman participated in against my Dad, I believe, shortened my Dad’s useful life by several years, so is that close to murder?
There have been some, are some, and no doubt will be some, who claim that to cremate someone against their will is no big deal, “I have instructions that I want to be cremated!” Then I tell these few people, “That is great for you but my Dad had a Right to choose to be buried in a casket, paid a licensed lawyer, associated with a licensed Law Firm, to instruct that he was to be buried as his will, specifically instructed in his Will, and put his own money in his Trust to pay for all of the expenses to be buried.” Then these few people who didn’t think this was any big deal before then have to say, “That is right, your Dad did have that Right.”
Also, this Unconditional Surrender Will and Trust, Family Curse has now been used as an instrument to steal $24,000 from me and when compared to my retirement, annual, fixed income of $17,000 per year, $24,000 stolen from me is a BIG DEAL, with all capital letters, to me!
Also, as I have declared before, numerous times, the Screw You Father, Revenge Cremation Insult is only about 10% of the evils that happened to my Dad and myself, the other 90% are just as grievous as the Cremation Insult, if not even more grievous, so those need to be addressed also.
Respectfully submitted,
Jim Kelley, #1 Son of Dale Kelley.
This website is political speech for the purpose to convince enough politicians who are in the Missouri State Legislator to pass a Grantor’s and Beneficiary’s, Will and Trust, Bill of Rights. By necessity this political speech has to be straight forward, containing the raw truth, to raise the awareness of the State Legislators for the real and desperate need of this Bill of Rights to protect the innocent Grantors and Beneficiaries from the evil designs of unethical shyster lawyers. This is a Human Rights matter and I would think it should receive bipartisan support; I pray so, I hope so.
This website represents “a never ending battle for Truth, Justice and the American Way” which concepts it seems most lawyers are trying to take/steal away. Like all evil, if you give evil an inch, then evil will take a mile. It seems most lawyers think “the arm of flesh” knows better than God what Truth and Justice are as the Lawyer Profession blunders down the black hole of evil and sin, while trying to suck America with them to a hell on earth. Just say NO to evil, STOP evil, say NO to corrupt lawyers, STOP corrupt lawyers, for a better America today for ourselves and tomorrow for our posterity.
LEGAL DISCLAIMER: This whole Page, and this whole Website, has to be considered “legally” to be my own OPINION, and nothing else, because there are four Lawyers, and a Law Firm, poised, waiting, to pounce on me and this Website. The Law Firm petitioned The Court to order this Website taken down; first time January 17, 2018, and a second time, April 4, 2018. Obviously this Website is in jeopardy for telling the Truth about a WW II, D-Day, captured behind enemy lines, POW for 10 months, veteran; Elder Abused by a team of unethical lawyers, and a Law Firm, the PROOF preserved in the UNCONDITIONAL SURRENDER WILL AND TRUST, that led to this Veteran being held as a POW in the 21st Century War of Elder Abuses, and they are obviously afraid of that.
What is my opinion today, will no doubt become the opinions of millions of other Americans soon, and perhaps will evolve into obvious self-evident truth for the future. To get to an obvious self-evident Set of Truths pertaining to a Grantor’s, and Beneficiary’s, Will and Trust, Bill of Rights, it is going to take the efforts of millions of Americans, that can legitimately claim the Title of Americans, to come together and say “STOP!” to the lawyer abuses so prevalent pertaining to Probate Laws that would go against the ideals of all Americans, especially American Veterans like my Dad, in unified efforts to stomp out the symptoms of Socialism in the Probate Laws.
As always if the Trustees, lawyers, and Law Firm would like to give me any short statement to explain their side/opinion I would probably include that if they would wish. They all have declined to my honest and sincere offers like this in the past.