The way some churches faithfully teach the gospel of Satan it is so farfetched that it has become a joke similar to lawyer jokes. And if a government agent, and/or a government employee, even does attend a church then it is most likely that they are taught the incorrect principles inspired by Satan pertaining to honesty, compared to just two or three generations (a generation figured as 20-30 years) ago.
So we now have in our governments a whole class of people, for the most part (unless they were taught correct principles of honesty by their parents), that has no clue about the Correct Principles of honesty as taught by the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The American churches have quit teaching about honesty, and the U.S. Supreme Court has taken The Ten Commandments standing on their own out of all public property and public buildings, as well as taken prayers out of the schools as used to be a daily ritual; so what does/should anyone expect about the American people being collectively honest anymore?
Who is the government kidding when they claim their lotteries are happy? The gangsters let the winner have 90% of the pot with no tax consequences. The government lotteries give you less than 45% of the pot and tax you to death to boot! In this case the gangsters were more honest than the government! Any surprises there?
This Governments Page is intended to illustrate to the Politician (oops), and those who may contact their Politician, that all governments are inherently dangerous…
“We have learned by sad experience that it is the nature and disposition of almost all men, as soon as they get a little authority, as they suppose, they will immediately begin to exercise unrighteous dominion.” (D&C 121:39)
The United States Representative Republic is the best government that money can buy through all manner of types of bribes like paid lobbyists, actual money under the table, “the good old boy club,” etc.; it makes no difference it is still a kind and type of a bribe, legal or not. No wonder this country is in so much trouble!!! 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 Five frown rating.
The American governments are no longer a government of the people, by the people, and for the people, to protect and serve the people, BUT have become evil empire institutions unto themselves, accountable only unto themselves, for the profit and benefit of those who work for the evil empire, if those employees and managers stay faithful to the evil empire institutions similar to the “secret combinations” Mafia Code where you are in like a family or you die!
“Omertà is a code of silence, according to one of the first Mafia researchers Antonio Cutrera, a former officer of public security. It seals lips of men even in their own defense and even when the accused is innocent of charged crimes.” Wikipedia.,is%20innocent%20of%20charged%20crimes.
The soul purpose of these American governments is to make more money for their employees and managers than they could ever make in the private industry AT THE EXPENSE OF PRIVATE INDUSTRY TO BE TAXES EXCESSIVELY TO PAY THE BILLS OF THE GOVERNMENT!!! Anyone with eyes to see should be able to see at least a part or portion of what I am talking about here.
The above picture of a feel good tee shirt with the government lie “LOOK FOR THE HAPPY LABEL” is an example of the government taking advantage of the people in ways that the government has, and will, put any of the people into jail/prison for doing. The reason the governments don’t want anyone outside of government to run a lottery is that the government can’t stand the competition.
Here is how a non-government “illegal” lottery works compared to the government ones:
To be finished later…
The MISSION of this apowtwice website is to present the question:
Why should any person, especially a poor person who would NOT be able to afford to hire their own lawyer, ever have to suffer financial ruin, spiritual humiliation, and all manner of other Nazi crimes against the innocent, at the hands of the satanic American Nazi Lawyer/Judge Mafia just because they were named as a Beneficiary in a family Will and Trust that was hijacked by the American Nazi Lawyer/Judge Mafia as a deliberate form of ENTRAPMENTS against the innocent Grantor and Beneficiary?
My doing this apowtwice website is like myself writing an encyclopedia all by myself so please forgive me for any faults and/or errors. If someone thinks there is a fault and/or error they can contact me direct at Thank you.
This website is political speech for the purpose to convince enough politicians who are in the Missouri State Legislator to pass a Grantor’s and Beneficiary’s, Will and Trust, Bill of Rights. By necessity this political speech has to be straight forward, containing the raw truth, to raise the awareness of the State Legislators for the real and desperate need of this Bill of Rights to protect the innocent Grantors and Beneficiaries from the evil designs of unethical shyster lawyers. This is a Human Rights matter and I would think it should receive bipartisan support; I pray so, I hope so.
This website represents “a never ending battle for Truth, Justice and the American Way” which concepts it seems most lawyers and judges are trying to take/steal away. Like all evil, if you give evil an inch, then evil will take a mile. It seems most lawyers think “the arm of flesh” knows better than God what Truth and Justice are as the Lawyer Profession blunders down the black hole of evil and sin, while trying to suck America with them to a hell on earth. Just say NO to evil, STOP evil, say NO to corrupt lawyers, STOP corrupt lawyers, for a better America today for ourselves and tomorrow for our posterity.
LEGAL DISCLAIMER: This whole Page, and this whole Website, has to be considered “legally” to be my own OPINION, and nothing else, because there are four Lawyers, and a Law Firm, poised, waiting, to pounce on me and this Website. The Law Firm petitioned The Court to order this Website taken down; first time January 17, 2018, and a second time, April 4, 2018. Obviously this Website is in jeopardy for telling the Truth about a WW II, D-Day, captured behind enemy lines, POW for 10 months, veteran; Elder Abused by a team of unethical lawyers, and a Law Firm, the PROOF preserved in the UNCONDITIONAL SURRENDER WILL AND TRUST, that led to this Veteran being held as a POW in the 21st Century War of Elder Abuses, and they are obviously afraid of that.
What is my opinion today, will no doubt become the opinions of millions of other Americans soon, and perhaps will evolve into obvious self-evident truth for the future. To get to an obvious self-evident Set of Truths pertaining to a Grantor’s, and Beneficiary’s, Will and Trust, Bill of Rights, it is going to take the efforts of millions of Americans, that can legitimately claim the Title of Americans, to come together and say “STOP!” to the lawyer abuses so prevalent pertaining to Probate Laws that would go against the ideals of all Americans, especially American Veterans like my Dad, in unified efforts to stomp out the symptoms of Socialism in the Probate Laws.
As always if the Trustees, Lawyers, the “den of thieves” Law Firm, and the Northside Christian Church, would like to give me any short statement to explain their side/opinion I would probably include that if they would wish. They all have declined to my honest and sincere offers like this in the past. It would be as easy as sending an e-mail to
Poor folks have poor ways,
Satan has his evil ways,
God has His Righteous Ways,
and Satan has captured America with his American Nazi Lawyer/Judge Mafia,
while the Christian and Jewish churches were asleep!
“A rich man rides a taxi,
a poor man rides a train,
the hobo walks the railroad tracks,
but he gets there just the same.”
The path to a Grantor and Beneficiary, Will and Trust, Bill of Rights may be like a hobo walking the railroad tracks but it will eventually get done because God wants His poor children to be protected from the satanic American Nazi Lawyer/Judge Mafia members like Nazi Nancy Yendes, Nazi Carl Yendes, and the “den of thieves” Nazi, MANN WALTER, BISHOP & SHERMAN Law Firm, etc.