48. Good Church/Bad Church

“I sought for the greatness and genius of America in her commodious harbors and her ample rivers—and it was not there. . . . . in her fertile fields and boundless forests—and it was not there. . . . .in her rich mines and her vast world commerce—and it was not there. . . . in her democratic Congress and her matchless Constitution—and it was not there.  Not until I went into the churches of America and heard her pulpits flame with righteousness did I understand the secret of her genius and power.  America is great because she is good, and if America ever ceases to be good, she will cease to be great.”

Alexis De Tocqueville, Author of Democracy In America, first publiched in 1835.


Does what Alexis De Tocqueville say sound similiar to “And, behold, the Lord passed by, and a great and strong wind rent the mountains, and brake in pieces the rocks before the Lord; but the Lord was not in the wind: and after the wind an earthquake; but the Lord was not in the earthquake: And after the earthquake a fire; but the Lord was not in the fire: and after the fire a still small voice.” 1 Kings 19:11-12.

It does to me.

A still small voice like the Holy Ghost speaking directly to a person is one thing and a message over the pulpit has to be loud enough, like flame with righteousness, that even a hard of hearing person can hear is another thing. But electric guitars, drums, and cymbals are not good. Bro. Jim.

There you have it in a nutshell, why America used to be “great,” and the transverse is why America is not so great in the 21st Century Dark Ages; because the American churches have failed the people, have failed the Nation, have failed the world, and have failed Jesus Christ, when it comes to preaching righteousness from their pulpits!

Kids will learn when they are ready to learn and these same kids will learn as fast as they can, like a sponge, if they are allowed to learn as fast as they can learn. So why aren’t some ministers ready to learn the True and Basic Principles of The Gospel of Jesus Christ and learn it as fast as they possible can? Answer: because most ministers are NOT humble like an innocent little child. Children don’t have a multitude of sins to try to justify so they can be humble naturally and just learn the truth without worry. Ministers, who have been participating in, themselves teaching, Satan’s false and foolish doctrines, are not innocent and too often their ego interferes with their learning about anything that is true contrary to the falsehoods that they were taught, that they foolishly believed, and that they foolishly taught before, and continue to foolishly teach now. This isn’t any harder than this to understand.

Here is wisdom when it comes to false doctrines in any church; don’t leave that church, but be a genital force for good to reverse false doctrines in exchange for the Gospel Truths that are right in the Holy Bible. How can a church that teaches the opposite of what the Holy Bible clearly teaches be, stay, “holy,” like the “Holy Bible” is also? “Holy” is as “holy” does. God is Holy because God follows the Truth and churches can become, can be, holy by the same process. A church is NOT holy because their leaders claim holiness, a church is holy because they follow the Truth, just the same as God follows the Truth, which Truth is eternal, and never changing.

For churches to be reduced in numbers, because people leave over false doctrines, is against the plans of God and only Satan wins in this. Help your church, give your church a chance, to conform to the Holy Bible, and by the same token the Book of Mormon, and exchange its false doctrines for the True and Basic Principles of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Give your church 2 or 3 years and then if they resist the Holy Bible, and the Book of Mormon, find another church that does teach the True and Basic Principles of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and support that church for your own spiritual SAFETY, remembering that the LD$ Church has been thoroughly polluted by their Church leader “hypocrites” (Jesus’ Word for them) so that is NOT a good place to go now.

Am I wrong on this? I am absolutely RIGHT on this!  🙂

Bro. Jim

Either a church stands up for Jesus Christ 100% or, by default, they stand up to some degree (1% to 100%) for Satan and his demons.

So the American churches have left a void with the people when it comes to teaching the Correct Principles of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and that void makes it easier, possible, for Satan to introduce his gospels of “democratic Socialism (Nazism), Communism, and now Muslim Jihad, into the minds of the people, into American Society, into American Governments, and as a direct result the whole world will go dark because Satan loves darkness! And anyone who cannot see this is just in total denial and no doubt wonders, as opposed to having sure knowledge, why do we have Chameleon Heresy and “Sleepy Joe, “Let’s go Brandon,” illegitimate due to voter frauds, Biden in the White House now? Short answer: because Satan wants Chameleon and Sleepy in the White House for his purposes.

President Trump was God’s choice for President of the United States, and as anyone can see it was Satan’s lies, Satan’s disciples, Satan’s Fake News, that paved the way for enough Democrats to participate, thinking in their childish mental disorder minds, in enough voter frauds to steal enough Electoral College Votes to steal the 2020 Presidential Election, because they thought that that was the best way to help America somehow.

How many American churches openly supported God’s Choice for President, President Trump? Some of the LD$ Mormon Church very top General Authorities gave campaign contributions to Joe Biden and other Democrats so what does that tell you about the Mormon Church? What about your church?

Churches are mostly afraid to openly “tell the truth” about American governments now because of the false and satanic doctrine of “separation of church and state,” which can’t be found anywhere in the U.S. Constitution or the Federalist Papers! IF anyone can find it let me know at apowtwice.com.

The Federalist Papers being A series of eighty-five essays written by Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and John Jay in the late 1780s, to help convince the people to ratify the U.S. Constitution. Then if there was even a hint of separation of church and state in the U.S. Constitution then it would be in those Federalist Papers, which it isn’t because that was never the original intent of the Founding Fathers and Signers, going back to the Declaration of Independence (which American churches mostly openly supported politically, so no such thing as separation of church and state on that subject during that time), the U.S. Constitution with the first ten Amendment Articles as the Bill of Rights.

History reveals that the term, “separation of church and state,” comes from a January 1, 1802, letter by Thomas Jefferson, addressed to the Danbury Baptist Association in Connecticut, and published in a Massachusetts newspaper later. This term as used by Thomas Jefferson is a one way term, meaning that “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof…,” but there is no limits, no restrictions, for the churches to act as any private U.S. citizen when expressing their opinions, for or against including criticism, about the business of American and foreign government, no limits what so ever.


The “hook” that the American governments have developed, with the direct inspiration of Satan, is if a church does something that the governments doesn’t like then the governments can take away that church’s tax exempt status. What the government giveth the government can taketh away!

As the love for money is the root of all evil so a Christian’s love for Jesus Christ is the source of all that is good in the world. How much a Christian really loves Jesus Christ can be demonstrated by how much will he vigorously stand up for Jesus Christ and vigorously stand against Satan. If a Christian claims with their words to stand up for Jesus and then ignores Satan’s attempts to destroy all that is good then that Christian’s words are in vain.

Some of the evils of Satan has been, are now, and will continue to be, the Christian and Jewish churches as his main targets; and then the governments of the world and the people of the world as his secondary targets.

A church is either a Holy Church of God OR they are a church of the Devil or Satan; there is no in-between on this! If any church teaches any serious infractions of the Basic Principles of the Gospel of Jesus Christ then they are by default a church of Satan!

Holy Ghost Testifying Example

Here is an Example of when the Holy Ghost can be Present and Testify for the Truth, even if that church teaches false doctrines at other times! The Holy Ghost can come back, to the person, to the minister, to the church, to any group, anytime, anywhere, when the Truth is boldly spoken according to God’s Truths!

Were you able to feel, experience, the Holy Ghost testifying to you that the things that Mark Robinson said were true and correct? If not, then listen to this again.

Some of those serious infractions pertaining to False Doctrines are:

Any “Christian” church that does not worship Jesus Christ as their centerpiece “Savior” and “Master” would be a church of Satan, owned by Satan lock, stock, and barrel; because that church openly teaches false doctrines that are authored by Satan, the father of all lies.

The main line Jewish Churches are somewhat exempt of worshiping Jesus Christ, as long as they follow their Old Testament (Torah) traditional teachings, because they are “The Lord’s ancient covenant people,” and Jesus Christ has given His Promise to the Jews that He will take up their fight later and accept them later. That is a special covenant between the Jews and God only and does not apply to pretend Christians.

Any church that does not believe in Jesus Christ, with the exception of the main line Jewish Church, is a false religion by definition and they are owned by Satan from their very beginnings. Take you pick starting with the Muslims who claim that their God is greater than Jesus Christ and yell this during their Jihad attacks mostly on Christians and Jews, and all of the other world religions who deny Jesus Christ.

Any church that does not follow the Holy Bible examples of baptism has been infiltrated by Satan. Only full immersion water baptisms, where the candidate is fully immersed “And straightway coming up out of the water,” is fully baptized, just like Jesus did (Mark 1:10). A person can NOT come “up out of the water” unless they were in the water fully immersed to start with. Is there anyone who is not a mental nut job that really wants to argue with Jesus Christ on this ordinance, which Jesus Christ took the trouble and efforts to travel to the River Jorden, where there was much water there, to be all of ours Perfect Example on this one?

May I just end this list with if any church officially tolerates abortion on demand as birth control, the LGBTQ movement including a person can declare their sex anything that they want it to be in direct opposition to what is between their legs, the U.S. Supreme Court telling any governments that they cannot display The Ten Commandments on, or in, public property, etc., etc., etc., all things in direct opposition to the Holy Bible, then that church is a “bad church,” as opposed to a “good church,” and is openly, notoriously, infiltrated by Satan!


Good Church, Bad Church, Solutions!

All is not lost, the Lord Jesus Christ is on the side of His faithful Christians, and there are some solutions for a bad church to become a good church, but it takes Christian discipline to want to follow Jesus Christ and His Perfect Example.

First of all in order to become a good church you have to understand the history as to why you are now a bad church, and then take the steps to become a good church. Okay, here we go if you want to go along?

Quick Christian Church History Lessons

This History applies to all Christian churches. Adam and Eve were our first parents on this earth no matter what anyone, any institution, any church, may want to try to say. Take the Hoy Bible for what it says literally about Adam and Eve. There was NO evolutionary process that led up to Adam and Eve being in the Garden of Eden as our first parents for our human race. To claim anything differently then what the Holy Bible says is denying the Holy Bible and denying the Power of God!

Adam was the first human Prophet of God, Jesus Christ being God was The Prophet who walked and talked with Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden, and so Adam was the first Christian Church Prophet who would lead his wife and children in the Correct Principles of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. So Adam was the first Prophet and leader of the first church on earth and that first Church was Christian because all of the Old Testament prophecies looked forward to Jesus Christ. The Old Testament name for Jesus Christ was Jehovah (John 1:1-20).

Every time the Lord God, Jesus Christ, starts His Church anywhere on earth, Satan targets it and pollutes it to the point that it is not pure enough to keep the Priesthood Keys (Matthew 16:19). This has happened several times including The Church of Christ that Jesus Personally organized when He walked the earth.

The Catholic Church claims to be that Church that Jesus Personally organized, and history seems to verify this, but the Catholic Church became so polluted, and its pride would not let it reform to the Holy Bible which it organized and canonized at the Council of Nicaea, that the Catholic Church started hanging its own Priests who were only trying to reform the Catholic Church to conform with the Holy Bible.

After the Gutenberg Press was made and the Holy bible was printed in a consistent form in enough numbers for the people to be able to read a copy (mostly at convenient places available to the public and perhaps in secret to the Catholic Church) for themselves, then the Protestant Movement evolved and that is where all of the Protestant (Protest) Churches come from.

This is the Christian Church history up to and including the Protestant Movement which I imagine that most Christian Church leaders can accept. Now for some Christian history that most Christian church leaders will not be so able to accept.

In the Spring 1820, a young boy had what would be called The First Vision, where that boy was told about each and every church in the whole wide world “were all wrong;… all their creeds were an abomination in his sight; that those professors were all corrupt; that: ‘they draw near to me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me, they teach for doctrines the commandments of men, having a form of godliness, but they deny the power thereof.’” LDS JS History 1:17-20.

Like I said, this is going to be hard for most Christian church leaders to swallow, but it is true, and a good look around all of the Christian churches today would verify what Jesus Christ told joseph Smith Jr. then is especially true today.

Then on April 6, 1830, The Church of Jesus Christ was legally organized and now boasts some 15 million members but there is a problem with the Mormon Church of today; the Words of Christ state, “O ye pollutions, ye hypocrites, ye teachers [meaning Mormon Church high up leaders], who sell yourselves for that which will canker [money again takes down a good church], why have ye polluted the holy church of God [which can only mean the Mormon Church according to all Mormon Doctrines]? Why are ye ashamed to take upon you the name of Christ [because the Mormon Church today has officially denied the Book of Mormon and Christ]?

So as we (if everyone is following what I am saying) can all see, the Church of The True God, Jesus Christ, has been established on earth several times and each and every time has been successfully infiltrated by Satan to the point of being so polluted that that church can no longer hold the Keys of the Kingdom or represent Jesus Christ any longer.

With all churches being declared “all wrong” and now the Book of Mormon has declared the Mormon Church wrong now too, that leaves no church on earth that is worthy to hold the Keys of the Kingdom and represent Jesus Christ with any Authority. If a church can rid itself of all of their false doctrines, earnestly beg for the Spirit of God to attend them, then, and only then, can a church represent Jesus Christ with Power and that is going to be the best that any church can do now because the Keys of the Kingdom were vested with the Mormon Church First Presidency and in my opinion those keys were lost after the last righteous President and Prophet Ezra Taft Benson died in 1994 and the shyster lawyer Howard W. Hunter became the President of the Mormon Church but was a “false prophet” who had no business holding the Keys to anything that was of Jesus Christ, not even the front door key for the Mormon Church Office Building in SLC.

So are the “Christian” churches up to the task to reform sufficiently enough to start representing Jesus Christ with the Spirit of God Power, because unfortunately the Authority has been lost with those Keys when the Mormon Church First Presidency went the way of all Satan followers and became polluted to the point that those Keys have been lost?

Good Church Principles To Follow:

First Principle: Eliminate every false doctrine that you have and throw it in the garbage can where it belongs and where Satan belongs. I know that this could be difficult for denominational churches to do because you have to follow higher up church leaders. I suggest that the local churches group together and organize a plan of righteousness to convince your higher up church leaders to also see the light and throw out all false doctrines into the garbage can where it all belongs.

Second Principle: Adopt every Correct Principle as can be found and verified in the Holy Bible. Some of this can be found on this website, Page 54, False Doctrines, and the rest you should be able to figure out on your own with the help of the Book of Mormon and may I also suggest the book, Mormon Doctrine by Bruce R. McConkie, as an encyclopedia volume for a lot of Correct Doctrines. You can buy these on line at Amazon pretty cheap used now for about $25 or so.

Third Principle: Admit that there is no church on earth today that has the Priesthood Keys Authority to do anything but do the best you can with what you can. Instead of any ordinance of baptism have a public confession that that person would be baptized if there was Priesthood Authority to do so and they are waiting for that opportunity with proper Priesthood Authority in their behalf. Unfortunately, as much as a person may want to do an ordinance of baptism, without the Priesthood Authority those persons take the risk of using the Lord’s Name in vain.

Forth Principle: The fault lies with a few church leaders who should have known better than to trade the Keys of the Kingdom for Satan’s promptings but that is just the plain and simple truth. Now Christians have to make do with what we have, and do our best to do the Will of Jesus Christ, in order to please God, take back America from the Socialists/Communists, Muslim Jihadists, and ensure our own personal Salvation with Jesus Christ.

The prophecies of the Holy Bible, and the Book of Mormon, seem to be against us to save the world BUT, we must try for our own sakes and prove to Jesus Christ that we are His followers no matter what!

Who all is in?

Bro. Jim Kelley


Bottom Line For All “Christian” Churches Who Love Jesus Christ More Than Themselves:

Shake off all false doctrines; quit serving “strange gods” like “the arm of flesh” Satan followers of every stripe! Unite together as one in Christ; “Till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ: That we henceforth be no more children, tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the sleight of men, and cunning craftiness, whereby they lie in wait to deceive; But speaking the truth in love, may grow up into him in all things, which is the head, even Christ,” Ephesians 4:13-15.

In order to do this I think that all Christian ministers and church leaders of every kind must form an American Ministerial Alliance where all of those ministers being united will have some power to stand up against the main line highest Catholic and Christian denominational leaders who may resist changing false doctrines for the Correct Gospel Principles and Doctrines of Jesus Christ and the enemies of Jesus Christ that are well established in the American Government including the High Priests Of False Security who occupy the seats of the U.S. Supreme Court. An American Ministerial Alliance like this will have to have national meetings similar to what happened with the Councils of Nicaea, but pray to have the Spirit of God, even the Holy Ghost, attend your national meetings so that false doctrines do not creep in like what happened during the debates at the Councils of Nicaea. Do your interacting with humility and love so that the Spirit of God can guide your efforts and work as if Jesus were present, and if His Spirit is with you then Jesus is present with you also.

Also throw off the World Council Of Churches as being one of the problems and is nothing more than a lame duck now anyway. Hold fast to your American Ministerial Alliance as being supreme for the purposes of Jesus Christ and if other Christian or Jewish church organizations want to join, and accept your Articles of Faith, then welcome them in. Incidentally, the Mormon Church Articles of Faith would be a good start, if not just adopting them 100%, for your Articles of Faith.

If enough American Christian churches can swallow their pride, pledge to serve Jesus Christ 100%, stop serving the “strange gods” of Satan and the world, form a creditable American Ministerial Alliance, then those Christian churches have a chance to save American, save the U.S. Constitution with the Bill of Rights, and save billions of God’s children throughout the world who are dwindling in unbelief and ignorance now.

If any churches, ministers, Christians, are interested in this I can serve as an information center at first until such an American Ministerial Alliance can be organized with a website and then I will make conspicuous notice of that website on this website. That initial information center will be on Page 120, American Ministerial Alliance.

May I suggest that the first American Ministerial Alliance meeting be in the “Buckle of the Bible Belt,” Springfield, Mo., and perhaps the Assemblies Of God Church H.Q. could make all of the arrangements, provide for other church origination sub-committees, and do the initial inviting to that first meeting? Then other yearly meetings could be at the H.Q. cities of other church organizations with monthly virtual meetings on the Internet for the whole world to see? I would like to watch such American Ministerial Alliance meeting like that.

May God bless America in spite of our many faults,

Bro. Jim

This is a list of all of the good ministers and Christians who have contacted me at apowtwice@hotmail.com and expressed interest in an American Ministerial Alliance meeting so you can interact with each other in order to get that started:

Who will be the first besides Bro. Jim?

Plenty of room here so don’t be bashful.




This is a list of all the “Good Churches” that I know about:

None so far.




This is a list of all the “Bad Churches” that I know about:

The LD$ Mormon Church who Jesus Christ stated, they are a polluted church with leader “hypocrites.” See Page 57, LD$=LSD on this website and yblds.com.

The Northside [pretend] Christian Church of Springfield, Mo., for supporting Nazism by lending their Church name to “a den of thieves” Law Firm as a form of a personal reference to claim that that Law Firm follows Christian ethics when that Law Firm is a Nazi Law Firm.

This will no doubt be the longest list! “So sad,” President Trump, God’s choice for U.S. President!


This is a list of the Springfield, Mo., churches who were sent at least one post card alerting them of the “den of thieves” MANN, WALTER, BISHOP & SHERMAN, Law Firm unethically using Christ’s name, by using the Northside Christian Church’s name, specifically as a personal reference to mislead people into thinking that this “den of thieves” Law Firm was honest and ethical when the evidence is exactly opposite. These churches were specifically asked if they could individually, or collectively, take the name of Christ back from a “den of thieves,” and apparently they couldn’t because Christ’s name still appears on the MANN, WALTER, BISHOP & SHERMAN, Law Firm website as if Jesus Christ is giving then a personal reference, which Jesus Christ never would do that for a “den of thieves.


Now what is left, since the Springfield, Mo., churches couldn’t do this, is for the individual Christians, who have any relationships to these Springfield, Mo., churches, to just plain ask them why they could NOT represent Jesus Christ in this matter and take the name of Christ back, away, from “a den of thieves” Law Firm?

Obviously, if a Springfield, Mo., church, and their ministers, can’t successfully represent Jesus Christ in this matter then how can they represent Jesus Christ pertaining to anything else including over the pulpit?

Here is that Springfield, Mo., church list. In case that they claim that they never received any such notice then please let them know of this website and that their church’s name is listed here for all to see.

  1. Northside Christian Church of Springfield, Mo., Lead Minister Wayne Bushnell, 4902 N. State Hwy H Springfield, MO 65803
  2. Antioch United Methodist Church, 3614 N State Highway H, Springfield, MO 65803.
  3. Baptist Temple, Reverend Mark Rounsaville, 2655 N Grant Ave, Springfield, MO 65803
  4. Bellview Baptist Church, Reverend Hunter B. Sherman, 5105 N Farm Road 169, Springfield, MO 65803
  5. Brentwood Christian Church, 1900 E Barataria St, Springfield, MO 65804
  6. Broadway Baptist Church, 2900 N Barnes Ave, Springfield, MO 65803
  7. Calvary Chapel Springfield, 2440 E Seminole St, Springfield, MO 65804
  8. Campbell United Methodist Church, 1747 E Republic Rd., Springfield, MO 65804
  9. Cathedral of St Agnes, 533 S Jefferson Ave., Springfield, MO 65806
  10. Central Assembly of God, 1301 N Boonville Ave., Springfield, MO 65802
  11. Cherry Street Baptist Church, 1201 S Oak Grove Ave., Springfield, MO 65804
  12. Evangel Temple, 2020 E Battlefield St., Springfield, MO 65804
  13. Faith Assembly Of God, 3001 W Division St., Springfield, MO 65802
  14. Galloway Baptist Church, 2816 E Republic Rd., Springfield, MO 65804
  15. Glendale Christian Church, 2110 S Blackman Rd., Springfield, MO 65809
  16. Glenstone Baptist Church, 413 S Glenstone Ave., Springfield, MO 65802
  17. Golden Avenue Baptist Church, 558 S Golden Ave., Springfield, MO 65802
  18. Graceway Baptist Church, 5010 S Farm Road 135, Springfield, MO 65810
  19. High Street Baptist Church, 900 N Eastgate Ave., Springfield, MO 65802
  20. Macedonia Baptist Church, 3110 W Sunshine St., Springfield, MO 65807
  21. Messiah Lutheran Church, 925 E Seminole St., Springfield, MO 65807
  22. National Heights Baptist Church, 3050 N National Ave., Springfield, MO 65803
  23. New Life Assembly of God, 776 W Farm Road 186, Springfield, MO 65810
  24. North Side Assembly of God, 2310 N Campbell Ave., Springfield, MO 65803
  25. Prince of Peace Lutheran Church, 815 E Farm Road 182, Springfield, MO 65810
  26. Redeemer Lutheran Church, 2852 S Dayton Ave., Springfield, MO 65807
  27. Ridgecrest Baptist Church, 2210 W Republic Rd., Springfield, MO 65807
  28. Second Baptist Church, 3111 E Battlefield St., Springfield, MO 65804
  29. Seminole Baptist Temple, 4221 S National Ave., Springfield, MO 65810
  30. South Campbell Avenue Baptist Church, 935 S Campbell Ave., Springfield, MO 65806
  31. South Gate Baptist Church, 5701 S Farm Road 157, Springfield, MO 65810
  32. South Haven Baptist Church, 2353 S Campbell Ave., Springfield, MO 65807
  33. Southland Christian Church, 1630 W Republic Rd., Springfield, MO 65807
  34. Springhill Baptist Church, 7370 N Farm Road 159, Springfield, MO 65803
  35. St Elizabeth Ann Seton Parish, 2200 W Republic Rd., Springfield, MO 65807
  36. St James’ Church, 2645 E Southern Hills Blvd., Springfield, MO 65804
  37. St John’s Church, 515 E Division St., Springfield, MO 65803
  38. Sunset Church Of Christ, 1222 W Sunset St., Springfield, MO 65807
  39. The Salvation Army, 1707 W Chestnut Expy., Springfield, MO 65802
  40. Trinity Lutheran Church, 1415 S Holland Ave., Springfield, MO 65807
  41. Wesley United Methodist Church, 922 W Republic Rd., Springfield, MO 65807
  42. West Division Street Baptist Church, 3104 W Division St., Springfield, MO 65802
  43. Calvary Chapel Springfield, 2440 E. Seminole Street, Springfield, MO 65804
  44. First Cumberland Presbyterian Church, 4216 S. Charleston, Springfield, MO 65804
  45. Great Hope Gospel Ministries, 800 S Broadway Avenue, Springfield, MO 65807
  46. James River Church North Campus, 3225 N. Farm Rd 123, Springfield, MO 65803
  47. James River Church West Campus, 3953 W Farm Road 168, Springfield, MO 65807
  48. East Grand Church of Christ, 2220 E Grand St., Springfield, MO 65804
  49. First Baptist Church of Brookline, 2044 S State Highway MM, Springfield, MO 65802
  50. First Evangelical Free Church, 5500 S Southwood Rd., Springfield, MO 65804
  51. Grace Assembly of God, 500 W Mount Vernon St., Springfield, MO 65806
  52. Kansas Expressway Church of Christ, 2540 N Kansas Expy., Springfield, MO 65803
  53. North National Church of Christ, 3020 N Barnes Ave., Springfield, MO 65803
  54. Springfield Grace, 540 E Walnut Lawn St., Springfield, MO 65807
  55. Springfield Grace Chapel Foursquare Church, 1120 E Farm Road 182, Springfield, MO 65810
  56. St Thomas the Apostle Church, 4200 S Holiday Ave., Springfield, MO 65810
  57. Truth Tabernacle, 2848 N Broadway Ave., Springfield, MO 65803
  58. Providence SDA Church, 1402 N Prospect Ave., Springfield, MO 65802

End of Springfield, Mo. Church List as of 1-19-2022. I tried to identify the larger churches of Springfield and leave the small churches alone on this.

Bro. Jim Kelley





1st Amendment Political/Religious Speech Disclaimer:

This website is political speech for the FIRST PURPOSE to convince enough politicians who are in the Missouri State Legislator to pass a Grantor’s and Beneficiary’s, Will and Trust, Bill of Rights (so fare in the past four years they have ALL proven to be cowards); and the SECOND PURPOSE is to convince the U.S. Congresspersons and U.S. Senators (so far all of them that I have contacted have proven to be cowards for Jesus too)to set in motion a Ten Commandments Constitutional Amendment Petition so the peoples’ Right to display The Ten Commandments and The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag, in and on public property shall not be infringed.

By necessity this political speech has to be straight forward, politically incorrect, containing the raw truth, to raise the awareness of the State Legislators for the very real and desperate need for this Bill of Rights; and everyone else in America for this Amendment Petition. These are both Human Rights matters and I would think that they both should receive bipartisan support; I pray so, I hope so.

This website represents “a never ending battle for Truth, Justice and the American Way” which concepts it seems most judges and lawyers are trying to take/steal away from the people of America with the High Priests of Fase Security judges who often wear the Black Robes of the false priesthoods of the Medieval Church of the Dark Ages. Like all evil, if you give evil an inch, then evil will take a mile. It seems most judges and lawyers think “the arm of flesh” knows better than God as to what Truth and Justice are as the Lawyer Profession blunders down the black rabbit hole of evil and sin, while trying to suck America into that black rabbit hole with them to a hell on earth. Just say NO to evil, STOP evil, say NO to corrupt judges and lawyers, STOP corrupt judges and lawyers, for a better America today for ourselves and tomorrow for our posterity.

This whole Page, and this whole Website, has to be considered as “political speech” legally because there are four Lawyers, and “a den of thieves” Law Firm, poised, waiting, to pounce on me and this Website. The “den of thieves” Law Firm petitioned The Court to order this Website taken down; first time January 17, 2018, and a second time, April 4, 2018. Obviously this Website is in jeopardy for telling the Truth about a WW II, D-Day, captured behind enemy lines, POW for 10 months, veteran; who was captured against his will and Elder Abused by a team of unethical lawyers, and “a den of thieves” Law Firm, the PROOF being well preserved and presented in the NAZI UNCONDITIONAL SURRENDER WILL AND TRUST, that led to this Veteran being held as a POW in the 21st Century War of Elder Abuses, and all of Satan’s follower judges and lawyers are obviously afraid of that. Perhaps the only reason that the Court didn’t order this website takendown, at the bidding of the “den of thieves” Law Firm was the Court was afraid of the ACLU getting involved with that ans taking a good look at what happened, what passed as legal business aas usual, to a WW II D-Day veteran, and gotten totally, 100%, involved against these Nazi lawyers an djudges including the Mo. BAR, O.C.D.C. and the Mo. Supreme Court!

What is my opinion today, will no doubt become the opinions of millions of other Americans soon if they follow God’s desires, and perhaps will evolve into obvious self-evident truth for the future. To get to an obvious self-evident Set of Truths pertaining to a Grantor’s, and Beneficiary’s, Will and Trust, Bill of Rights, and a Ten Commandments Amendment, is going to take the efforts of millions of Americans, that can legitimately claim the Title of Americans, to come together and say “STOP!” to the judge and lawyer abuses so prevalent pertaining to all unethical Laws that would go against the ideals of all Americans, especially American Veterans like my Dad who have fought in direct combat with the German Nazi enemy, in unified efforts to stomp out the symptoms of Nazism, Socialism, Communism, and the Muslim Sharia Law efforts, in the American Court Systems.

As always if the Judges, Trustees, Lawyers, “the den of thieves” Law Firm, the Mo. BAR, and the Mo. Supreme Court, would like to give me any short statement to explain their side/opinion I would probably include that if they would wish. They have for the most part declined to my honest and sincere offers like this in the past. “So sad.”

“Poor folks have poor ways,”

Satan has his evil ways,

God has His Righteous Ways,

and Satan has captured America with his American Nazi Lawyer/Judge Mafia,

while the Christian and Jewish churches were asleep!

“A rich man rides a taxi,

a poor man rides a train,

the hobo walks the railroad tracks,

but he gets there just the same.”

The path to a Grantor and Beneficiary, Will and Trust, Bill of Rights may be like a hobo walking the railroad tracks but it will eventually get done “just the same” because God wants His poor children to be protected from the Satanic American Nazi Lawyer/Judge Mafia members like Nazi Nancy Yendes, Nazi Carl Yendes, and the “den of thieves” Nazi, MANN WALTER, BISHOP & SHERMAN Law Firm, etc.

This website is political speech for the purpose to convince enough politicians who are in the Missouri State Legislator to pass a Grantor’s and Beneficiary’s, Will and Trust, Bill of Rights. By necessity this political speech has to be straight forward, containing the raw truth, to raise the awareness of the State Legislators for the real and desperate need of this Bill of Rights to protect the innocent Grantors and Beneficiaries from the evil designs of unethical shyster lawyers. This is a Human Rights matter and I would think it should receive bipartisan support; I pray so, I hope so.

This website represents “a never ending battle for Truth, Justice and the American Way” which concepts it seems most lawyers are trying to take/steal away. Like all evil, if you give evil an inch, then evil will take a mile. It seems most lawyers think “the arm of flesh” knows better than God what Truth and Justice are as the Lawyer Profession blunders down the black hole of evil and sin, while trying to suck America with them to a hell on earth. Just say NO to evil, STOP evil, say NO to corrupt lawyers, STOP corrupt lawyers, for a better America today for ourselves and tomorrow for our posterity.

LEGAL DISCLAIMER: This whole Page, and this whole Website, has to be considered “legally” to be my own OPINION, and nothing else, because there are four Lawyers, and a Law Firm, poised, waiting, to pounce on me and this Website. The Law Firm petitioned The Court to order this Website taken down; first time January 17, 2018, and a second time, April 4, 2018. Obviously this Website is in jeopardy for telling the Truth about a WW II, D-Day, captured behind enemy lines, POW for 10 months, veteran; Elder Abused by a team of unethical lawyers, and a Law Firm, the PROOF preserved in the UNCONDITIONAL SURRENDER WILL AND TRUST, that led to this Veteran being held as a POW in the 21st Century War of Elder Abuses, and they are obviously afraid of that.

What is my opinion today, will no doubt become the opinions of millions of other Americans soon, and perhaps will evolve into obvious  self-evident truth for the future. To get to an obvious self-evident Set of Truths pertaining to a Grantor’s, and Beneficiary’s, Will and Trust, Bill of Rights, it is going to take the efforts of millions of Americans, that can legitimately claim the Title of Americans, to come together and say “STOP!” to the lawyer abuses so prevalent pertaining to Probate Laws that would go against the ideals of all Americans, especially American Veterans like my Dad, in unified efforts to stomp out the symptoms of Socialism in the Probate Laws.

As always if the Trustees, lawyers, and Law Firm would like to give me any short statement to explain their side/opinion I would probably include that if they would wish. They all have declined to my honest and sincere offers like this in the past.