177. Book of Mormon>World

Page 177, The Book Of Mormon is the Book of Scripture, held by a specific “Angel [Moroni] in the midst of heaven,” that John “saw” with his own eyes, that had “the everlasting gospel to preach unto them that dwell on the earth…” (Rev. 14:6).

The Lord Jesus Christ has Personally placed the Book Of Mormon on the earth, in the latter-days, as a specific TEST! This specific TEST is that if a person were to deny the Book of Mormon after being introduced to it today, then that is PROOF that they would have denied Jesus Christ when He walked the earth, if they would have lived then and had been introduced to Jesus Christ then!

In both of these cases Satan personally achieved his plans to beguile the people into denying Jesus Christ and in denying the Book of Mormon, by using the established Church Leadership, in both disponsations, telling bold face lies that they knew better, or should have known better, than to tell in the first place.

Another incredible element of the Book of Mormon is that it has now become the enemy of the Mormon Church to the point that the Mormon Church G.A. Leader “pollutions” and “hypocrites” do now deny the Book of Mormon by telling their own bold face lies about Mormon 8:38, specifically “the holy church of God,” claiming that that is NOT the Mormon Church but that is ALL of the otherChristian” and Jewish Churches; obviously following Satan’s plan of deception by trying to pass their own blame on to others (like the DNC does) when the evidence is overwhelming that Mormon 8:38 is a specific Warning from Jesus Christ about the Mormon Church G.A. Leader “pollutions” and “hypocrites” and can be about NO one else. And the Book of Mormon clearly, and plainly, exposes the Mormon Church G.A. Leader “pollutions” and “hypocrites” on this!

Ironically, the Book of Mormon is now the friend of all of the “Christian” and Jewish Churches, as a Gift from God; and is now the enemy of the Mormon Church because of the Mormon Church G.A. Leadership “pollutions” and “hypocrites” own personal choices, and faults, of loving Satan more than Jesus Christ, now qualifying them all as antichrists, specifically starting with the full-time mission avoiding, the WW II draft dodger, Nazi Lawyer, Howard W. Hunter, when he became the Mormon Church President in 1994.

The last righteous Mormon Church Prophet and President was Ezra Taft Benson, and he was the last chance that the Mormon Church had of staying true to Jesus Christ and he died in 1994.

Holy Bible Proof Of The Book Of Mormon

To be continued…

Bro. Jim





1st Amendment Political/Religious Speech Disclaimer:

This website is political speech for the FIRST PURPOSE to convince enough politicians who are in the Missouri State Legislator to pass a Grantor’s and Beneficiary’s, Will and Trust, Bill of Rights (so fare in the past four years they have ALL proven to be cowards); and the SECOND PURPOSE is to convince the U.S. Congresspersons and U.S. Senators (so far all of them that I have contacted have proven to be cowards for Jesus too)to set in motion a Ten Commandments Constitutional Amendment Petition so the peoples’ Right to display The Ten Commandments and The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag, in and on public property shall not be infringed.

By necessity this political speech has to be straight forward, politically incorrect, containing the raw truth, to raise the awareness of the State Legislators for the very real and desperate need for this Bill of Rights; and everyone else in America for this Amendment Petition. These are both Human Rights matters and I would think that they both should receive bipartisan support; I pray so, I hope so.

This website represents “a never ending battle for Truth, Justice and the American Way” which concepts it seems most judges and lawyers are trying to take/steal away from the people of America with the High Priests of Fase Security judges who often wear the Black Robes of the false priesthoods of the Medieval Church of the Dark Ages. Like all evil, if you give evil an inch, then evil will take a mile. It seems most judges and lawyers think “the arm of flesh” knows better than God as to what Truth and Justice are as the Lawyer Profession blunders down the black rabbit hole of evil and sin, while trying to suck America into that black rabbit hole with them to a hell on earth. Just say NO to evil, STOP evil, say NO to corrupt judges and lawyers, STOP corrupt judges and lawyers, for a better America today for ourselves and tomorrow for our posterity.

This whole Page, and this whole Website, has to be considered as “political speech” legally because there are four Lawyers, and “a den of thieves” Law Firm, poised, waiting, to pounce on me and this Website. The “den of thieves” Law Firm petitioned The Court to order this Website taken down; first time January 17, 2018, and a second time, April 4, 2018. Obviously this Website is in jeopardy for telling the Truth about a WW II, D-Day, captured behind enemy lines, POW for 10 months, veteran; who was captured against his will and Elder Abused by a team of unethical lawyers, and “a den of thieves” Law Firm, the PROOF being well preserved and presented in the NAZI UNCONDITIONAL SURRENDER WILL AND TRUST, that led to this Veteran being held as a POW in the 21st Century War of Elder Abuses, and all of Satan’s follower judges and lawyers are obviously afraid of that. Perhaps the only reason that the Court didn’t order this website takendown, at the bidding of the “den of thieves” Law Firm was the Court was afraid of the ACLU getting involved with that ans taking a good look at what happened, what passed as legal business aas usual, to a WW II D-Day veteran, and gotten totally, 100%, involved against these Nazi lawyers an djudges including the Mo. BAR, O.C.D.C. and the Mo. Supreme Court!

What is my opinion today, will no doubt become the opinions of millions of other Americans soon if they follow God’s desires, and perhaps will evolve into obvious self-evident truth for the future. To get to an obvious self-evident Set of Truths pertaining to a Grantor’s, and Beneficiary’s, Will and Trust, Bill of Rights, and a Ten Commandments Amendment, is going to take the efforts of millions of Americans, that can legitimately claim the Title of Americans, to come together and say “STOP!” to the judge and lawyer abuses so prevalent pertaining to all unethical Laws that would go against the ideals of all Americans, especially American Veterans like my Dad who have fought in direct combat with the German Nazi enemy, in unified efforts to stomp out the symptoms of Nazism, Socialism, Communism, and the Muslim Sharia Law efforts, in the American Court Systems.

As always if the Judges, Trustees, Lawyers, “the den of thieves” Law Firm, the Mo. BAR, and the Mo. Supreme Court, would like to give me any short statement to explain their side/opinion I would probably include that if they would wish. They have for the most part declined to my honest and sincere offers like this in the past. “So sad.”

“Poor folks have poor ways,”

Satan has his evil ways,

God has His Righteous Ways,

and Satan has captured America with his American Nazi Lawyer/Judge Mafia,

while the Christian and Jewish churches were asleep!

“A rich man rides a taxi,

a poor man rides a train,

the hobo walks the railroad tracks,

but he gets there just the same.”

The path to a Grantor and Beneficiary, Will and Trust, Bill of Rights may be like a hobo walking the railroad tracks but it will eventually get done “just the same” because God wants His poor children to be protected from the Satanic American Nazi Lawyer/Judge Mafia members like Nazi Nancy Yendes, Nazi Carl Yendes, and the “den of thieves” Nazi, MANN WALTER, BISHOP & SHERMAN Law Firm, etc.